Open APK File

Information, tips and instructions


What is APK File?

APK file contains everything required to install Android application on a device. It includes manifests, executable code compiled for multiple platforms, media resources, security certificates and other required files.

What is inside of the APK File?

APK file has the same format as ZIP archive file and could be opened using applications which can open ZIP files. Examples of such applications include WinRAR, WinZIP, 7-Zip. You can view exact structure of APK file in Structure of the APK File article.

Can I install APK File on OS other than Android

In certain cases it is possible to install APK files on other operating systems. For example you can open and even execute APK files using Arc Welder Google Chrome extension.

How to install APK file?

Please follow our APK Installation Guide

Can I convert APK file?

APK file is Android specific executable file. There is no direct way to convert it to an executable file on another platform. But there are limited conversion operations you can do with it as described in our APK Conversion Guide

Can I create APK file?

Yes, you can create an APK file. But in order to do this you will need to install Android developer environment like Android Studio.